
Mentoring System


In the field of Higher Education at Rajendra Academy For Teachers’ Education, students mentoring system is recognized as a strategy to facilitate the pupil teachers in effective learning with required supports. Each learner is assigned with “Mentor” in order to overcome the barriers in academic and allied field. The prime objectives of student mentoring policy in the Institute are as follows,

•Guiding the trainee teachers in academic as well as non academic counselling.

•Supporting the trainees with adequate information on preparatory courses, skill courses for academic progress.

•Motivating the trainees in achieving learning objectives.

•Inculcation of curiosity and interest among the pupil teachers.

•Advising trainees on mental and emotional well-being.


•Guiding the trainees on how to accomplish the desired goals.

•Exposure to new experiences. 

•Enhancing self-esteem through support services and extensive discussions.

•Showing the role model of success.

•Special academic tutoring and need based counselling.


•Mentee is responsible for contact with the mentor and should be prepared and punctual for the mentoring sessions. 

•Mentee should share his/her ideas, concerns, and professional goals so that the mentor is able to place the situation in perspective. 

•Mentee should focus on the relationship with mentor rather than outcomes.

•Mentee should try to resolve the queries related to his /her specific needs.

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